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Lyonshall Parish Council
Lyonshall Neighbourhood Development Plan
Lyonshall NDP referendum took place on 5th December 2019.
Parishioners voted to accept the Plan and it was adopted and made law by Herefordshire Council on 17th January 2020.
Click to view Lyonshall NDP Document
What is an NDP?
The Localism Act of 2011 introduced the right for a community to produce its own Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) which in the future will form part of the planning policy for Herefordshire Council.
Lyonshall Neighbourhood Development Plan will give the community new rights to play a stronger role in shaping the development of Lyonshall up to 2031. The Plan will look at identifying the parish need for development and where it might be, what type of property can be built, protect or designate areas for open space and leisure and encourage commerce and business.
The Plan will be written by a Steering Group, working with a consultant on behalf of Lyonshall Parish Council. Public consultations will be held at regular intervals in the form of questionnaires and public events. You will be asked for your input into the draft document, all comments will be considered, before finalising the document to be scrutinised by an independent national examiner to ensure conformity with local and national policy. Finally, the Plan will be subject to a referendum of all on the electoral roll for Lyonshall Parish. With a simple YES majority, our Plan will become law.
The approved Plan will be used by Herefordshire Council to make decisions on all planning applications in Lyonshall. Residents of Lyonshall Parish should come together to share ideas and build consensus about what needs to be done within the community.
How will it work?
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