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Evidence & Consultation Documents

Evidence base is the term given to all the documents and information used to underpin the development of a Neighbourhood Plan and its policies or the proposals in a Neighbourhood Development Order. Neighbourhood Planners need to ensure that proportionate, robust evidence supports the choices made and the approach taken. The evidence is drawn upon to explain the intention and rationale of the policies in a Neighbourhood Plan.

The document table shown here holds local evidence used in creating Lyonshall Neighbourhood Development Plan. This includes documentation recording consultation with residents, where the steering group have given parishioners the opportunity to view, comment and discuss the emerging plan at different stages. It also records other relevant documentation from community groups, services and businesses collected during the Neighbourhood Planning Process.

Lyonshall Neighbourhood Development Plan Examination re-opened

Lyonshall Parish Council, at the request of a special motion, decided at an extra ordinary meeting on 3rd October 2019 to review the decision taken by the Parish Council on 11th July 2019 to withdraw the Lyonshall NDP from the examination.

Parish Council agreed to reopen the NDP examination after consideration and review of the housing site allocations and policy and to recommence the process following previous withdrawal decision.

Herefordshire Council have now reopened the examination and the independent examiner has produced her final report.

Herefordshire Council examination statement

Examiners report.

The Parish Council will now review the plan and make modification before resubmitting the final document to Herefordshire Council for progression to referendum.

Lyonshall Neighbourhood Development Plan Progression to Examination

Lyonshall NDP has been approved by Herefordshire Council to progress to examination

A choice of three examiners will be offered to the Parish Council to choose from to independently review the plan for compliance with national and local planning policy as well as confirming its development through consultation.

Herefordshire Council have invited Barbara Maksymiw to carry out an independent examination of the plan to assess whether it complies with the relevant legislation and meets basic conditions it is required to meet. Her report will also make recommendations about changes or modifications and recommend whether the plan should proceed to the referendum stage.

Lyonshall Neighbourhood Development Plan Progress to Referendum 5th December 2019

Lyonshall Parish Council agreed at the meeting on 24th October 2019 to accept the examiner's modifications and request Herefordshire Council move the Lyonshall Neighbourhood Development Plan for Referendum.

If you are registered on the electoral roll you will soon receive a polling card to vote on 5th on December. You will be asked

"Do you want Herefordshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Lyonshall to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood area?

The plan has been produced by Lyonshall Parish Council and is in conformity with Herefordshire Council Core Strategy. The content has been produced from parishioner consultations over several years. A YES vote would mean Herefordshire Council would use the plan criteria when deciding on local planning applications.  Please read the submission plan listed below for full policy details. 

Herefordshire Council decision Document to progress to referendum

Herefordshire Council Notice of Referendum

Lyonshall Referendum Submission Neighbourhood Development Plan 

Lyonshall Village Policy map

Holme Marsh Policy Map

Lyonshall Strategic Environmental Assessment.

Lyonshall Habitats Regulation Assessment. 

Parishioners will receive further information regarding voting in the referendum in due course.

Lyonshall Neighbourhood Development Plan Examination re-opened

Lyonshall Parish Council, at the request of a special motion, decided at an extra ordinary meeting on 3rd October 2019 to review the decision taken by the Parish Council on 11th July 2019 to withdraw the Lyonshall NDP from the examination.

Parish Council agreed to reopen the NDP examination after consideration and review of the housing site allocations and policy and to recommence the process following previous withdrawal decision.

Herefordshire Council have now reopened the examination and the independent examiner has produced her final report.

Herefordshire Council examination statement

Examiners report.

The Parish Council will now review the plan and make modification before resubmitting the final document to Herefordshire Council for progression to referendum.

Lyonshall draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Regulation 16 Formal Consultation 

Herefordshire Council formal Regulation 16 consultation process.

The six-week consultation period from 25th January to 8th March 2019.

The plan has been placed on the Herefordshire Council website at the following location:

11 Comments were received from the Regulation 16 consultation and can be read Here

Parish Council Comments on Regulation 16 Consultation Responses can be read Here

Lyonshall draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Regulation 14 Formal Consultation

Lyonshall Parish NDP Steering group with the help of consultant Kirkwells has considered comments received from the recent informal consultation and all previous consultations to produce an updated draft Neighbourhood Development Plan document.

This document has been approved by Parish Council to be formally submitted to Herefordshire Council and other statutory consultees for the legal and formal Regulation 14 consultation process. (Formal letter sent to all consultees)

The six-week consultation period from Thursday 25th October to 5pm on Friday 7th December 2018.

The Draft Plan will be available for you to view and make comment by email or by using the printed response sheet.

Lyonshall draft NDP plan for Regulation 14 October 2018.

Lyonshall Strategic Environmental Assessment.

Lyonshall Habitats Regulation Assessment.

Lyonshall draft NDP plan for Regulation 14 consultation response sheet.

Lyonshall Poster Advertisement posted around the Parish

Response table 1 - Herefordshire Council comments

Response table 2 - Consultation bodies comments

Response table 3 - Resident comments

Response table 4 - Landowner & Developer comments.

The draft plan is also available to view at the following locations during opening times.

Lyonshall Garden Centre,

Penrhos Cattle Shed Cafe,

Burgoynes Reception

St Michaels and all Angels Church Entrance Porch.

All parishioners will receive a postal invite explaining how to view the plan and make comments

If you would like to borrow a hard copy please contact the clerk. 

All responses should be forwarded to the Clerk or by post to Firbanks, Lyonshall, HR5 3LN by 5pm on Friday 7th December  2018 or left in the collection boxes at the above locations.

The responses will be collated for the steering group and consultant to consider before the draft is submitted to the next stage in the process at Regulation 16.

Lyonshall Draft NDP Plan for Informal Consultation July 2018

Lyonshall Parish NDP Steering group with the help of consultant Kirkwells has produced the first draft Neighbourhood Development Plan document.

The document has been approved by Parish Council and the steering group are consulting with the parish on the plan informally before starting the legal and more formal Regulation 14 consultations later in the summer.

The three-week consultation period from Monday 2nd July to Sunday 22nd July 2018.

The First Draft Plan will be available for you to view and make comment using the printed response sheet.

Lyonshall draft NDP plan for informal consultation July 2018.

Lyonshall draft NDP plan consultation response sheet.

Combined responses received from Informal Consultation Sept 2018.

Poster Advertising Informal Consultation BBQ 14 July 2018

Poster advertising Informal Consultation period displayed around the Parish

The draft plan is also available to view at the following locations during opening times.

Lyonshall Garden Centre,

Penrhos Cattle Shed Cafe,

Burgoynes Reception

St Michaels and all Angels Porch.

All responses should be forwarded to the Clerk or by post to Firbanks, Lyonshall, HR5 3LN by 22nd July 2018 or left in the collection boxes at the above locations.

The responses will be collated for the steering group and consultant to consider before the draft is fully consulted on at Regulation 14.

Lyonshall Issues and Options Consultation - July 2017

The Steering group with help and support from consultants Kirkwells prepared an issues and options presentation in Lyonshall Memorial Hall in July 2017. 

Lyonshall Neighbourhood Plan - Beginnings

Lyonshall and Holme Marsh are included in the Hereford Core Strategy as areas for development expecting housing growth of 12% for the period as a minimum. Lyonshall Has seen considerable housing growth since 2011 already meeting it's housing target of 36 homes.

Lyonshall designated an a Neighbourhood Plan Area in July 2012. A dedicated Steering Group lead by Peter Broadbent and members of the Parish worked very hard to arrange a whole parish survey to gauge feeling for development for the period 2011-2031. The group held public meetings and various focus groups to identify the parish feeling.

Here you can view the first questionnaire  and the results  -  These results helped produce a second, more targeted questionnaire and results which then both provide part of the evidence base for the creation of the issues and options document.

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